FIFA director reveals plan to help FKF continue reviving Kenyan football a year since ban was lifted


FOOTBALL FIFA director reveals plan to help FKF continue reviving Kenyan football a year since ban was lifted

Mark Kinyanjui 20:13 - 26.01.2024

FIFA reveals how it has been helping Football Kenya Federation get up on its feet again after lifting the year-long ban it imposed on the country’s football in 2022.

The FIFA Member Football Associations Africa director Gelson Fernandes has pledged support to Football Kenya Federation as it continues to get up on two feet again after the year-long ban imposed on it was lifted in late 2022.

The Federation has been trying to get back together by launching a couple of projects in a bid to reignite football in the country, but were dealt a huge blow financially due to the implications of the ban.

Fernandes has however insisted that FIFA will work to support FKF as it continues to bring Kenyan football back where they project it to be.

“They can expect our support (because they)  are coming from a crisis,” Fernandes said.

“We know that when a country comes back from suspension, they are under restriction (from) funds so we cannot do anything that is possible, but we are working with the federation to move on.”

Fernandes has revealed the initiatives FIFA has taken to try and help FKF since returning from suspension.

“Now we are adding some project technical centers because this is important (in their quest to get back where they were).

“Monitoring as well closely because we also follow what is on the ground, (the) general assembly is taking place and the election for a process will start pretty soon with a congress at the end of the year - August or September, so we are here to help the federation, Yes.

“My team is on the ground to identify a place where the new technical center of the football federation of the country will represent the house of Kenyan football.

“This is important for us to launch it by phase and make things come alive.”

Meanwhile as part of FIFA's Talent Development Scheme (TDS), the governing body is rolling out the Talent Coach Programme to actively assist Member Associations (MAs) with support on the ground.

This initiative aims to accelerate elite youth player development by increasing contact time for the most talented players of a country and guiding, advising and mentoring the local coaches who are working directly with those players.

Fernandes has revealed that the second phase of the programme will start this year, insisting that some conditions will need to be met by countries who wish to participate in the program

“We start the second phase for the Talent Coach in 2024 with all the countries that will participate but once again, conditions need to be fulfilled and infrastructure needs to be in place and the staff (involved) to combine as well.”

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