Formula 1 star Lewis Hamilton in Kenya for holiday

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F1 Formula 1 star Lewis Hamilton in Kenya for holiday

Amos Robi 10:00 - 08.08.2022

The seven-time Formula 1 champion landed at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in two private jets

British Formula One Driver Lewis Hamilton has landed in Kenya for holiday as he traverses the African continent.

According to media reports the seven-time Formula One Champion dotted down at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in two private jets alongside his team. The Mercedes driver had a chat with staffers at the airport but declined to take any pictures.

Those that had chat with the star he is expected to join hundreds of both domestic and foreign tourists in witnessing the wildebeest migration.

On Sunday, August 7 while in Namibia which was his first destination, Hamilton said he was embarking on a mission to trace his roots something he said he has had the urge to do for years.

“This year I’m spending my summer break doing something I’ve wanted to do for years. I’m finally tracing my roots through Africa and guys, to say this journey has been a grounding experience is an understatement. This has been a life changing reset,” Hamilton said.

Hamilton further said the experience has had so far has led to a development of a stronger love for animals in him and that he felt more at peace while in the continent.

“I feel like I have gained a new perspective on life, grown an even stronger love for animals and became even closer with my brothers who I’ve shared this special journey with. Everywhere I look I’m surrounded by so much beauty, and I feel truly re-centred and at peace,” he noted.

Hamilton finished second after Red Bull’s Max Verstappen in the Hungarian Grand Prix in July while his co-driver George Russel finished third.

The next Grand Prix is slated to take place in Belgium on August, 28.

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