5 things Kenyan giants Gor Mahia must do to excel in Africa

5 things Kenyan giants Gor Mahia must do to excel in Africa

Festus Chuma 17:58 - 24.05.2024

Gor Mahia aim to replicate their historic 1987 continental triumph focusing on strategies for future success in African competitions.

On December 5, 1987, Gor Mahia fans held their breath in a tense, prestigious Mandela Cup final against Tunisian giants Esperance. 

The victory that followed remains a historic moment for Gor Mahia and Kenyan football. 

Fast forward to today, as coach Johnathan McKinstry leaves, he envisions a future where Gor Mahia not only dominates Kenyan football but also make a significant mark on the continental stage. 

Here are five crucial steps Gor Mahia must take to excel in Africa and achieve McKinstry's dream.

1. Strengthen the squad with experienced players

Gor Mahia must bolster their squad with experienced players, particularly in defense, midfield, and attack. 

Signing at least two seasoned players for each department can enhance the team's depth and resilience. 

The addition of such talent will bring much-needed stability and experience, crucial for handling the rigors of continental competitions.

2. Improve financial stability

Financial struggles have historically hindered Gor Mahia's performance on the continental stage. 

To compete effectively, the club needs a stable financial foundation. This includes securing more sponsorships, better management of funds, and perhaps a more significant investment from the government. 

Financial stability will ensure that the team can prepare adequately for international matches without the distractions of monetary concerns.

3. Early and adequate preparation for matches

Proper preparation is key to success in any competition. Gor Mahia must make it a tradition to arrive for away matches at least four days in advance. 

This will give the players ample time to acclimate, rest, and prepare mentally and physically for the challenges ahead. 

Such preparation was notably lacking in past campaigns, as seen in their hasty arrival in Morocco in 2019, which contributed to their heavy defeat against RS Berkane.

4. Organize high-quality friendly matches

To enhance their competitive edge, Gor Mahia should arrange friendly matches with other top African sides. 

These matches will provide the team with valuable experience against high-caliber opponents, helping them to identify and rectify weaknesses before facing them in actual competitions. 

Participating in various international tournaments, such as the CECAFA Kagame Cup, can also provide much-needed exposure and preparation.

5. Hire a coach with continental experience

Replacing Coach McKinstry with someone who has a proven track record in continental football is essential. 

A coach with experience in African competitions will bring tactical knowledge and insights that are crucial for navigating the complexities of tournaments like the CAF Champions League.

This strategic leadership can make a significant difference in the team's performance.

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