Sammy 'Kempes' Owino outlines bold plan to tackle match fixing as he eyes FKF presidency

© Imago

FOOTBALL Sammy 'Kempes' Owino outlines bold plan to tackle match fixing as he eyes FKF presidency

Festus Chuma 14:09 - 24.12.2023

Kempes' has revealed a plan to combat match-fixing as he eyes the FKF presidency, with backing from fellow legends, promising a brighter future.

Former Harambee Stars player and FKF presidential aspirant Sammy 'Kempes' Owino has revealed his comprehensive strategy to combat the scourge of match-fixing in Kenyan football.

Kempes, who played for Gor Mahia during his heydays, has set his sights on revolutionizing Kenyan football and restoring its integrity.

Kenyan football has been grappling with the ominous shadow of match-fixing, with concerns rising about the manipulation of games within the country.

However, Kempes, armed with a vision to bring about positive change, has vowed to take decisive action to eliminate this menace from the sport.

"Dealing with match-fixing is indeed a complex issue, and it's essential to have proper evidence before making accusations," Kempes stated in an interview with Radio Jambo.

"It's crucial to address why matches are fixed, as there are often multiple factors involved. Corruption is one, but player welfare is another significant concern."

In his blueprint to combat match-fixing effectively, Kempes places paramount importance on improving the welfare of players.

He believes that when sponsors invest in clubs, more financial resources will flow into the sport, ultimately leading to better compensation for players, which can reduce the temptation to engage in illicit activities.

Kempes is adamant that those found guilty of match-fixing should face severe consequences to serve as a deterrent to others.

"This sends a strong message that such actions will not be tolerated," he emphasized.

Moreover, Kempes advocates for a thorough examination of the relationship between football and betting companies, acknowledging that while it may not directly cause match-fixing, it can create opportunities for manipulation.

To maintain the sport's integrity, he insists on ensuring transparency and upholding ethical standards in such partnerships.

The former Gor Mahia star is well aware that making transformative changes in the world of football can meet with resistance.

However, he remains resolute in his belief that these changes are necessary to improve the sport's integrity and reshape the landscape of Kenyan football for the better.

In his bid to put these ideas into action, Kempes has pledged to establish robust structures that will revamp the entire football ecosystem, from grassroots development to the national level.

Backed by a cadre of fellow ex-internationals including John Bobby Ogolla, Elly Adero, Richard Madegwa, Robert Matano, Sammy Sholei, and Jacob Mulei, Kempes is committed to returning football's control to its rightful stakeholders - the players.

Kempes, brimming with enthusiasm and optimism, unveiled his vision for Kenyan football's potential, stating, "Kenya has an abundance of football talent, and we only need visionary leaders to unlock it."  

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