KEFOFA joins calls for swift justice over corruption saga involving FKF boss

KEFOFA joins calls for swift justice over corruption saga involving FKF boss

Joel Omotto 16:12 - 27.05.2024

Kenya Football Fans Federation is among those calling for the immediate prosecution of FKF boss Nick Mwendwa who was recently mentioned in a probe over misuse of CHAN 2018 funds.

A section of Kenyan football fans have joined calls to have the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) elections held soon and federation head Nick Mwenda prosecuted over graft allegations.

Through the umbrella body the Kenya Football Fans Federation (KEFOFA), the supporters have hit out at the current office for sidelining fans and suppressing their voice.

“The current FKF leadership conspired to expunge fan representation from the FKF constitution consequently muting the voices of all fans nationally. FKF should be the number one defender of all fans of the game, and actively participate in encouraging more citizens to flock the stadia. Ironically, they are treating fans as competition by killing their only channel of representation,” KEFOFA said through a statement signed by president Francis Liboyi.

“FKF continues to alienate KEFOFA from rightly participating in organising fan mobilisation, education, sensitisation, and empowerment activities which are critical towards achieving responsible citizen participation in our football. Our sporting spaces must be safe spaces for family exhibition's. By killing the emancipation of the fan (12th player), FKF is essentially propagating insecurity within our sporting spaces through these acts of omission.”

KEFOFA claim incumbent Mwendwa has not delivered on his promise and want him barred from seeking another term over a number of reasons.

“Eight years since Nick [Mwendwa] was elected, we cannot point to one development project. We cannot go anywhere in Kenya and say this was built by FKF,” added the statement.

With the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) having recommended the prosecution of Mwendwa alongside former Sports Principal Sectary Peter Kaberia among others for alleged embezzlement of funds meant for the 2018 African Nations Championship (CHAN), KEFOFA is also digging in.

“The DPP, having been furnished with evidence by the EACC, to immediately commence prosecution of Nick Mwendwa and his accomplices who have been presiding over the murder of football development initiatives in our country,” the fans’ umbrella body said.

“Having failed to meet the threshold of Chapter Six of our sacred Constitution on Integrity, Nick Mwendwa should be barred from holding any public office in the Republic of Kenya.”
