NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator


NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

BETTING TIPS NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

Stephen Oladehinde 13:12 - 24.02.2023

The NBA went for a one-week break last week as they all prepared for the NBA All-Star Game between Team Lebron and Team Giannis.

All eyes were set on the NBA All-Star Game on Monday as Team Lebron and Team Giannis faced off in style. Team Giannis won the encounter by nine points which was a bit of a close match. Team Lebron scored a total of 175 points and Team Giannis scored a total of 184 points to secure the win. 

The NBA resumed yesterday with some exciting games being played and we look forward to the remaining set of games for this game week. Seven of the nine home teams won their games yesterday.

Our tickets include Milwaukee Bucks, Atlanta Hawks, Chicago Bulls and Charlotte Hornets respectively.

NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator
NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

Milwaukee Bucks vs Miami Heat: Milwaukee Bucks to win @ 1.81 odds

Atlanta Hawks vs Cleveland Cavaliers: over 220.5 points @ 1.61 odds

Chicago Bulls vs Brooklyn Nets: under 230.5 points @ 1.59 odds

Minnesota Timberwolves vs Charlotte Hornets: Over 234.5 points @ 1.58 odds

Total odds on Sportybet: 7.32 odds

Booking code: DBAF0AED

*The odds were correct as at the time of posting

Milwaukee Bucks vs Miami Heat

Saturday, February 25, 1:30 am (GMT+1)

Betting tip: Milwaukee Bucks to win

Odds: 1.81 on Sportybet

Milwaukee Bucks have been in sparkling form in recent games. They have won two of their last meetings against the Miami Heat and they have won their last five NBA games in a row which gives them an edge in this game. Miami Heat on the other hand have won three and lost two of their last five games. They have also gone on a two-game losing streak. We expect the Milwaukee Bucks to win this encounter due to their good run of form.

Milwaukee Bucks player in action
Milwaukee Bucks player in action

Atlanta Hawks vs Cleveland Cavaliers

Saturday, February 25, 1:30 am (GMT+1)

Betting tip: over 220.5 points

Odds: 1.61 on Sportybet

Both teams have struggled in their last couple of games in the NBA. They have both lost two games in a row. However, they have also scored 220 points in two of their previous meetings against each other. Atlanta Hawks have played this outcome in their last five NBA games while Cleveland Cavaliers have also played this outcome in four of their last five NBA games. We expect both teams to produce this feat in this encounter as they have done in their previous NBA games.

Atlanta Hawks player in action
Atlanta Hawks player in action

Chicago Bulls vs Brooklyn Nets

Saturday, February 25, 2:00 am (GMT+1)

Betting tip:  under 230.5 points

Odds: 1.59 on Sportybet

Chicago Bulls form have been very bad in recent games having lost all five of their last NBA games while Brooklyn Nets have just two wins and three losses in their last five NBA games. They have also struggled to produce lots of points in their previous meetings, having played under 230 points in three of their last five meetings. Chicago Bulls have also played this outcome in four of their last five NBA games while Brooklyn Nets have also done the same in four of their last five NBA games.

Chicago Bulls player in action
Chicago Bulls player in action

Minnesota Timberwolves vs Charlotte Hornets

Saturday, February 25, 2:00 am (GMT+1)

Betting tip: Over 234.5 points

Odds: 1.58 Sportybet

Both teams have played over 230 points in three of their last five meetings against each other. Minnesota Timberwolves have currently struggled with their form in recent games but have played this outcome in four of their last five NBA games whereas Charlotte Hornets who have also struggled recently and got back to winning ways have played this outcome in two of their last five NBA games. The rate at which both teams score points has given us the edge to pick this option for this encounter.

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