Titus Mulama: Former Harambee Stars midfielder shares harsh reality of football injuries and unsupportive clubs


Titus Mulama: Former Harambee Stars midfielder shares harsh reality of football injuries and unsupportive clubs

Festus Chuma 16:28 - 24.05.2024

Titus Mulama's forced retirement from football highlights the need for improved player welfare and better management within Kenyan football clubs.

Ten years ago former Harambee Stars midfielder Titus Mulama's illustrious football career came to an abrupt and painful end. 

Forced into early retirement, Mulama has now shared the harrowing details of his departure from the sport and issued a stern warning to Kenyan football leaders about the need for better player welfare and club management.

In a post on his Facebook page, Mulama, who played for Sofapaka before retiring in 2014, shared a photo from a match in the Kenya Power Charity Cup final.

"I think these were some of the last matches of my career. In the final match, I pulled my hamstring and had to stretch a little. When I tried to go back, it pulled completely while we were exercising with the club. I was forced out for about two months, nursing the injury, and it failed to heal quickly since the team did not facilitate medication," he wrote.

Mulama's return to training was marred by financial struggles, as he explained.

"After a while, I returned to training and then passed by the office to ask about my salary since it was months since it hit the bank so that I could settle my bills," he added.

However, the real shock came when he visited the club's office. 

"When I arrived at the office I was welcomed with a letter signed by then-club secretary Emmanuel (Kayoyi) stating that my contract had been terminated," he noted.

This abrupt termination of his contract left Mulama disheartened and disillusioned with the sport he once loved. 

"These are the things Kenyan players endure from these clubs, especially from coaches. If they get a chance to go abroad, they should take it. In the end, coaches will find grounds to part with them without a second thought," he said.

Mulama's message to football leaders was clear and urgent. 

"Football leaders should be keen on rules on club licensing otherwise you will see players quitting the beautiful game and you will find them in drinking dens," he concluded.

Mulama's career began at Mathare United, where he played from 1997 to 2005. 

He then joined APR of Rwanda for a year before moving to Sweden, where he played for various clubs until 2008. 

Returning to Mathare United, he later joined KCB in 2011 and played for Nakuru All Stars for six months before signing with Sofapaka in the 2012 season. 

Over his career, he earned 71 caps for the national team, Harambee Stars, and scored five goals.

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