Kenyan sports scribes gain Absa Kip Keino Classic coverage tips from World Athletics

World Athletics Press Liaison Delegate Cornelia Shmid training Kenyan sports journalists in Nairobi. Photo: SJAK

Kenyan sports scribes gain Absa Kip Keino Classic coverage tips from World Athletics

Joel Omotto 20:18 - 19.04.2024

Sports journalists from Kenya have been equipped with knowledge that will be crucial in a seamless coverage of the Absa Kip Keino Classic on Saturday.

As anticipation builds for the Absa Kip Keino Classic at Nyayo National Stadium on Saturday April 20, sports journalists in Kenya have been equipped with essential media coverage tips, courtesy of World Athletics (WA).

Cornelia Shmid, the WA Press Liaison Delegate in Nairobi for the upcoming Continental Tour showpiece, emphasised the importance of maximising the Mixed Zone interviews to produce high-quality content from star athletes.

“Journalists should take advantage of the Mixed Zone interviews to savor first-hand experience from athletes after victory," said Shmid.

“We try to educate athletes on the dynamics of interviews and emphasise the fact that they have an obligation to interact with fans and make them know that it’s part of their job to take media interviews.”

Shmid highlighted the obligation of athletes to engage with fans through media interviews, stressing that it's an integral part of their role.

“Just the other day, Kenyan athlete (Ferdinand) Omanyala underscored the significance of athletes passing through the mixed zone at the end of a race, saying that every athlete has an obligation to interact with fans,” she added.

During the training workshop, Shmid outlined the dos and don'ts of WA Media Facilities, including guidelines for the Media Centre, Media Tribune, Press Conference Room, and Photo Positions.

She emphasised that journalists should refrain from taking selfies or seeking autographs in the Mixed Zone to maintain professionalism and facilitate athlete recovery.

“Journalists are prohibited from taking selfies and autographs at the mixed zones, because they are professionals, and the trend holds up the process and athletes from recovery; when they’re supposed to go back to the changing room,” said Shmid.

The media workshop, organised by the Sports Journalists Association of Kenya (SJAK) in collaboration with Athletics Kenya (AK), received praise from legendary athlete Kipchoge Keino, for its role in fostering understanding between athletes and fans.

“The seminar is important for the sport as media personalities have an opportunity to learn the dynamics of the sports. Talent abounds in Kenya, and there is a need to build facilities in all areas of the country and the media plays an integral role in this initiative,” said Keino, who Saturday’s event is named after.

With these insights, Kenyan sports journalists are poised to enhance their coverage of the Kip Keino Classic and contribute to the growth of athletics in the country.