Francis Baraza demands more millions from Kenya Police after being awarded Ksh4m for unfair dismissal

Kenya Police Coach Francis Baraza has jumped to the defence of Nairobi City Stars. Photo Credit: Goal.

Francis Baraza demands more millions from Kenya Police after being awarded Ksh4m for unfair dismissal

Joel Omotto 15:27 - 05.06.2024

Former Kenya Police coach Francis Baraza may have been awarded Ksh4m for wrongful dismissal but he wants to appeal the ruling as he deems the amount not sufficient.

Former Kenya Police coach Francis Baraza is demanding more than the Ksh4 million awarded to him by the Sports Disputes Tribunal (SDT) over wrongful dismissal.

The SDT ordered Kenya Police to pay the 2006 Kenyan Premier League title-winning coach Ksh4m as compensation for unfair dismissal but his legal representatives are not satisfied and want to appeal the ruling as they deem the amount insufficient.

“Whereas we commend the court for considering and making declarations as we had sought for, we are aggrieved to the extent that the monetary awards are not commensurate to the damages pleaded that match the pedigree of our client,” Baraza’s lawyer Ochutsi Munyendo told Mozzartsport.

“He is a highly profiled coach whose magic restored the respondent' fortunes in 2022/2023 season. We reasonably believe that our client deserves something to the tune of Ksh6.8million or thereabouts as we had pleaded.”

Baraza was sacked by Police in September 2023 after a poor start to the season but responded by seeking legal redress over what he felt was an unfair sacking.

The former Sony Sugar coach issued Police with a with a Ksh4.9 million demand, being Sh3.2 million for constructive dismissal, Sh800,000 for unfair termination of his contract, his salary arrears for September 2023, and a further Sh400,000 for the notice period.

The tribunal, however, awarded him Ksh4 million, being Ksh3.6 million in 10 months’ salary arrears from September 2023 to June 2024, with an additional Ksh400,000 as one month's salary in lieu of notice.

Baraza had led Police to an impressive fourth place finish in 2022-23 before he was replaced by Croatian Zdravko Logarusic.

The former Chemelil Sugar coach then moved to Tanzania to take the reins at Dodoma Jiji FC.

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