RUGBY Elgon Cup cancelled, Kenya cite financial challenges

Cyprian Kimutai 16:43 - 15.07.2022

For a third year running, the famous Elgon Cup between rivals Kenya and Uganda has been cancelled after the former cited a lack of finances.  

In a letter seen by this writer, Kenya Rugby Union (KRU) revealed the governing body for rugby union in the country has been unable to secure any form of financial assistance from sponsors and stakeholders alike.

“Following consultations internally within the Kenya Rugby Union, and with our stakeholders and sponsors, we regrettably will be unable to participate in the Elgon Cup 2022 that was slated for later this month,” the letter read in part.

Ian Mugambi, the Honorary Secretary of Kenya Rugby Union in the letter paid homage to their Ugandan counterparts as well as apologized to fans of both sides for the inconvenience.

"Indeed, we do recognize the Uganda Rugby Union as a key stakeholder without whom we would not be able to advance the growth of rugby and regret any inconvenience that the cancellation has caused to players and fans on both sides of the border.

In a press statement released on July 15, Uganda Rugby Union confirmed that its Kenya counterparts have pulled out of the competition due to economic and unforeseen political challenges posed by the upcoming general elections.

“Kenya Rugby Union has informed us that with the prevailing economic conditions and the looming general elections in their country, they are unable to play the cup this year”, part of the statement reads.

The duel had been scheduled to take place on July 23rd and 30th at Legends Rugby Club, Kampala and Kakamega respectively.
